Monday, January 30, 2012

Super Alpha release?

Blame friends for bad jokes, and me for actually putting them in.
So I guess this is a release? It's not clean, it's probably got spelling errors and game crashing bugs, but god does it feel good to get it made.

I almost deiced to not release it but this actualy makes me excited. I finally got something that halfway looks like a game, this never happens with my little projects. There isn't much to it and bad jokes abound but it is a piece of software with a start, a middle, and an end (that hangs forever). So I decided to put it up. Next steps will be making more monsters, item pick up, and figuring out how to save this.

Simple run of the engine, not even properly re-sized for the GUI. You walk around with arrow keys and proceed through a whole 9 to a treasure. Though there is a trick to it.

Get it here . Should run on cPython 2.6 though made with 2.7. Read me should be iside if I didn't mix up files. Run the Dungeon_Master.pyw to get the game to work.